"We dominated the game completely"

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Alejandro Bedoya utsågs till matchens bäste spelare mot Gefle. Här berättar han själv om sin match.

Congratulations to the victory, did it feel good to beat Gefle after your loss against them earlier this season?


-Thanks, it felt good. For me personally, Gefle away was my first start here in ÖSK and it was a bit nervous. It didn't go so well, I just tried to keep it simple and didn´t go forward as much as I should have. That was the main difference between these two games, we got into space much more today. I think we played well today, we´ve talked all week about how Gefle is a tough team to play against. They´re very compact, tight and disciplined which makes it very hard to break them down. We knew the midfielders were going to be very important today. You must have a lot of movement, find those good spaces and be able to turn and go forward.


What was it that you did better today compare with the match in Gävle?


-It was definitely getting in behind their four midfielders, finding those gaps in front of the defenders. I think me and Nordin did a good job getting in to space behind them, we could combine with Adriano and play good one-touch football. It worked well playing with Nordin, especially offensively.


You had a great impact on the game and were awarded player of the match. What do you think of your own performance?

- I´d say I´m pleased. You can always do better, there´re always things you can do better in a game. Physically I feel great, I know I´m in good shape and my confidence grows constantly. Obviously, the finishing definitely needs to improve, I have to do better with the chances I had today. Out of two, three good chances you have to score one. But at least I´m creating chances, I know the goals will come because I´m finding good spots.


First half was unpleasantly similar to the Örgryte game earlier this summer. Did you get any flashbacks to that game in half-time?


-Well, actually I didn´t think at all about that. But it was mentioned in the dressingroom. The coaches said that it was important to keep pushing forward and not relax in the second. And it was a little nerve wrecking when they got some kind of close chances in the beginning of the second half. But after that we took over again and dominated the game completely.


What do you think about Gefles performace today?


-Well, I´d say we pretty much dominated the game but we knew coming into the game that Gefle is a team that doesn´t like to have much possession. So it was a question about what we were going to do with that possession. I think we were able to break their defense down completely. When you play against Gefle it´s so important that you find that space between the midfielders and defenders. I think me and Nordin exploited them big time.


How does it feel, playing with Nordin and Nordback on the midfield?


-I think Nordback did a great job in the defensive role today, made space for me and Nordin offensively. Me and Nordin combine very well together and we´re playing good one, two-touch football together, when I see him I know how to play the ball. I give him the ball and know that if I move right he´ll send it back to me. I feel very comfortable playing with a guy like that.



David Rispoli Helling

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