"The midfielders were fantastic"

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Adriano gjorde sitt första mål för ÖSK när han dundrade in 2-0 bakom Hugosson i Geflemålet. Läs hans kommentarer efter matchen.

How do you feel after your first 90 minutes at Behrn Arena?

-Physically I feel tired, very tired. I haven´t played a full match like this in two months probably. So at the moment I´m tired, but I feel okay.


You scored your first goal for ÖSK today, describe what happened.


-Marcus took the ball forward and gave me a smart pass through. I think it very well played by him because he gave me a lot of time to finish. I got the ball to the box in front of the keeper, a little bit to the right. I chose to shoot hard and high in the nearest corner, I think I made a good decision. I´m very happy for this goal.


How did it feel to score your first goal in front of the home crowd?


-It felt very good, because Örebro welcomed me with open arms from the first day I got here. I needed that because I haven´t played so much this year, it really gave me extra motivation to perform well. It´s very important for a forward to have good confidence.


ÖSK:s attacking game got a bit stationary in the first half. Should the last pass sometimes be longer and earlier?


-I agree that sometimes the last pass could be earlier but these guys aren´t used to play like that. Mainly because Kim and I are different types of players, so it will take time for them to learn how and when I like to run. The only way they can learn is if I show them. In the first half I made many runs but didn´t get the ball or got it to late. But in the second half it worked better, for example when I scored the second goal the timing was perfect. I can play like a target player but I also like to run deep sometimes.   


ÖSK created a lot of chances today but the efficiency wasn't high. Were you ever worried that you wouldn´t score?


-No I was never worried. I always think of every chance as if it´s the last one I´ll ever get. That´s why I took the chance to shoot whenever I got it. I had my mind on finishing a lot and score. I think this is an important way of thinking when you´re playing as forward. You can´t always think that you´ll get another chance and that you´ll score later. Sometimes you only get one chance and then you have to make the most of it. If you have the opportunity to pass a teammate in better position of course you should do so, but I think I did the right thing today when I took my shots.


You played against one of Allsvenskans best defenses today, how did it go?


-I think it went well. They were good but I´m used to a much more physical opponents. I´ve played I Norway for three years and in Tippeligan there´s not so much space in front of the stoppers. I believe you get more time on the ball here compared to Norway and the game is not as hard as it is there.  


What do you think of the team performance today?


-I think we played very well today. We know that we´ve got a lot of quality in the team and many good players. The midfielders were fantastic today and made the job much easier for me. They set you up and then they run so you can pass them again, and their runs also create space for the forwards to turn and shoot. This was the key to win the match, Sixten told us before the game that it was very important that the midfielders moved a lot. It worked and because of that we won the match.



David Rispoli Helling

© ÖSK Elitfotboll AB Stolthet, hjärta och passion sedan 1908