Adriano om ankomsten till Örebro

Nya forwardsförvärvet, brasilianaren Adriano, gjorde i torsdags sitt första träningspass med ÖSK. Här är hans första intryck av sitt nya lag.

You´ve now finished your first training session with ÖSK. What are your first impressions?

-My impression is that the players are very technical and that there is a lot of quality in the team.

Was there any player in specific that impressed you?

-No, no one in specific, but I was impressed by the players technical level in general. That´s a very good thing to have in a team.

What are your impressions of the coaches?

-It seems to me that they´re very professional. I´ve played seven years in Finland but this was the first time I´ve ever spoken to Sixten. I got a very good impression of him and also his assistant Rickard. That goes for all the people I´ve met so far in the club, they all seem really professional and it makes me happy to be here.

ÖSK play 4-3-3, have you played this system before?

-Well no, I´ve never been in a team that plays this system. Last year I think we played one match or something like that with 4-3-3. So I´m not so used to play this system but I don´t think it will be any problem.

In which position do you prefer to play?

-I prefer to play as central forward. I´ve played as winger also for many years but if I could choose I would like to play as central forward. Earlier I´ve played both left- and right-winger and even offensive midfielder sometimes. But most matches I´ve played forward.

What are your strengths as a player?

-I´m strong physically, I´ve a good right foot and I´m quite fast as well.

How do you feel physically at the moment?

-I feel good. Even though I´ve not played so much lately I actually feel quite good. I think it will take three or four trainings and then I´ll be 100%

What are your goals with this season?

-My goal is to have a good season. I want to play good and score goals for ÖSK. I hope I can help the team to reach a very good position. I´ve no special number of goals I want to score, I always count them after the season and I´m happy for everyone I score.

You´ve played in the Finnish, the Norwegian and now in the Swedish league. What do you think of the Scandinavian football?

-The football in Scandinavia is good. I´ve been in Finland which is a good level, the Finnish football is growing all the time. Then Norway which is a very competitive league, the play is not so much with possession, more long balls and hard work with a lot of running. What I´ve seen is that Allsvenskan is more technical and the tempo is not as high as in Tippeligan. In my opinion Denmark and Sweden have the best leagues in Scandinavia. I´ve watched a lot of games in Allsvenskan on television during my time in Scandinavia and I think it´s a good league.

You´ve played for several different clubs during your career. How is it, coming to a new club?

- Actually, before this training I was feeling like it were my first training as a professional. The same excitement, the same enthusiasm that you feel as a young player. It feels like a new challenge and I´m very motivated.  


David Rispoli Helling

© ÖSK Elitfotboll AB Stolthet, hjärta och passion sedan 1908